Will Italy Be Fully Electric by 2050?

Now buying a fully or mostly electric car in Italy has major incentives from multiple angles, taxes, money, and even parking.  Starting within recent years Italy and many other European Union countries have created federal incentives to buy electric vehicles and get rid of gas and diesel cars. The government will now even give youContinue reading “Will Italy Be Fully Electric by 2050?”

Fuel with Less Emissions?

A mustard plant might be a new form of fuel Lately I have been reading Bill Gates book, How to Avoid a Climate Disaster: The Solutions We Have and The Breakthroughs We Need, and he always mentions how we have to get to 0 emissions. While I have not finished the book yet, what IContinue reading “Fuel with Less Emissions?”

Less Pollution Will Really Make Rome an Eternal City

E-scooters are often promoted as an enviromentally friendly form of transport, but a study from Arcadis reveals that they are not good for climate change. Rome — Many European cities, including Rome, have already committed to limiting air pollution and CO2 emissions through e-scooters and other forms of soft mobilities, but are they as greenContinue reading “Less Pollution Will Really Make Rome an Eternal City”